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MIxDream Analog 16 0
1 / 1
USD 3,499

MIxDream Analog 16

Mazraa, Beirut
3 weeks ago
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MixDream Lives Up to Its Name The SPL MixDream is a cascadable, 16 x 2 analog outboard mixer in a 2U rackmount chassis that lets you expand your DAW or digital console with active analog stereo summing and insert functionality. MixDream gives you high-grade analog summing without pan and fader controls, letting you retain the entire scope of your DAW automation. A single MixDream can sum up to 16 audio tracks to stereo and, should you need more tracks, you can link several MixDreams together. If you need to integrate analog equipment into your digital production environment with analog stereo mixdown, the SPL MixDream is an essential. Offers the advantages of analog summing These are the analog summing advantages that we hear - and that you can expect when using the MixDream. Discover what analog summing can do for your studio with the SPL MixDream. Superior processing capabilities Compared with simple summing devices, MixDream's insert and processing power are contributing factors to accomplishing great mixes. While high-quality summing is important, processing during mixdown has an even bigger influence on your sound. When engineers talk shop about the qualities of legendary analog consoles, it is often the superior analog processing of those boards that is being discussed. Flexibility is its forte Each input channel of SPL's MixDream is fitted with a signal-present LED plus a switchable insert loop. Per-channel 3-stage toggle switches let you choose whether or not a channel is added to the mix bus. Use the No-Mix switch to remove a channel from the mix, and it remains available for re-recording via its Direct Output. The No-Mix function is particularly useful, for instance, when you want to add track compression, wherein the compressed signal can be re-recorded to your DAW for level automation. Without this so-called bounce-back functionality, your compressed signals could not be automated (because the compressor is inserted post fader). It's this type of smart, flexible functionality that sets MixDream apart from the competition. Controls for stereo summing: Adjustable insert level Stereo expansion control with infinite gradation Adjustable analog peak limiter Adjustable outputs with added in/out switching of Lundahl transformers SPECIFICATION High-grade analog summing in 2 rack spaces Sophisticated, active Class A/60-volt stages for analog summing Sonic quality rivaling the best analog consoles 16 balanced inserts allow you to easily integrate analog effects Individual and overall bypass relays Reduction of A/D conversions (14 A/D conversions are avoided with all inserts connected) All analog tracks can be summed before A/D conversion Channel adjustments and automation remain controlled by your DAW Enjoy lower DAW processor utilization rates Efficient resampling of individual tracks with latency-free monitoring Surround capable (using up to 3 MixDream units) Channel capacity expandable through linked units Sensitive and transparent stereo expansion control Analog peak limiter for optimal loudness Master inserts and switchable output transformers from Lundahl Optimized signal paths, all switching functions via relays Proprietary differential amplifiers for each input Discrete, exceptionally low-noise power supply
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